Stop! Don't Pop!

Stop! Don't Pop!
A survey of 2,000 women has determined that the average woman pops 4,143 pimples in her lifetime. That is a LOT of pimples and, even though it seems like an easy squeeze, you can do a ton of damage trying to handle your own extractions.

Fortunately, there are loads of products on the market that can help keep your break-outs at bay.


Washing your face is one of the most important steps in your routine. But you never want to get your face "squeaky-clean". If your skin feels tight, you've stripped your skin of the oils it needs to protect your skin, leading to MORE breakouts. 
Our current favorite? Joanna Vargas Vitamin C Face Wash. This cleanser is the first step needed to amplify your skincare routine and give you the skin you always wanted. Crafted to gently remove grime, makeup and daily pollutants with a medley of vitamin C ingredients. Using some of the most powerful antioxidants known, Acai and Goji berry with a mixture of citrus fruits, it revitalizes and balances the appearance your skin. This facial cleanser will leave your skin clean, clear, and glowing.


Exfoliating is essential for skin health as we age. Cellular turnover slows down as we get older, and those cells that are not sloughing off properly can end up blocking our pores, mixing with our natural oils, and turning into a plug that causes breakouts. 

There are many ingredients that can help exfoliate your skin, be it a scrub, an enzyme, or an acid. But the hero ingredient? Retinol. Vitamin A derivatives keep your cells turning over properly and encourages collagen production, both of which help keep your skin clear.

We are obsessed with Joanna Vargas Super Nova Serum.
Super Nova Serum is a powerful yet skin-soothing retinol serum to quickly reveal younger looking skin. Enriching ingredients such as Vitamin A, Fatty Acids, and Chamomile will help soothe and condition on contact. This is the most effective serum in the Joanna Vargas high-performance skin care collection to quickly transform the skin's appearance to achieve a youthful, lasting glow.

Another amazing retinol product is Glo Renew Serum. This serum also contains salicylic acid in a 1% concentration, which is truly the gold standard for unplugging pores.

Have a current breakout? The ZitSticka line is here to help. This line was created to help zap zits FAST using hydrocolloid patch technology, as well as internal supplementation. The Killa Kit has saved our bacon many times.

There are so many ways to manage acne-prone skin! Try to resist picking the pimples and instead pick up some of the products we've mentioned. We promise you'll see a great improvement with your skin!

Interested in the study? Learn more here:

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  • Randall Sulkin
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