Non-Toxic Nail Polish and Why You Should Switch To It

Non-Toxic Nail Polish and Why You Should Switch To It
Historically, nail polish has been one of the most toxic items on our vanities. Ingredients such as Formaldehyde, which is a known carcinogen,  Dibutyl Phthalate (DBT), and Toluene, both of which have been found by the CDC to cause birth defects when pregnant women come in contact with these chemicals, have long resided in our polish brands. Collectively known as "The Big Three", these are nasty ingredients that you don't want anywhere near you.

Formaldehyde Resin, Camphor, TPHP, and Sulfates, while not AS dangerous as "the big three" ingredients, are all known allergens, which means that they really have no place coming in contact with your skin and nail bed. 

Finally, the concerns over the use of parabens is well-documented, with there being some concern over its potentially carcinogenic properties.

The nail polish industry has taken notice and listened to you, the consumer, when you said ENOUGH of these ingredients. One shouldn't have to choose between poison and pretty, polished nails. But can you make quality polishes without these ingredients? 

Enter Smith & Cult. This cutting edge beauty brand, beloved by beauty editors everywhere, creates it's polishes without any of these harmful ingredients, without sacrificing pigment and without sacrificing wear. They release new colors each season, so they have the in-trend colors, as well as the classics. In addition, the unique glass bottles with their hammered metal tops are perfectly delectable and look amazing on any vanity.

Not convinced? Swing by the shop and test them for yourself. Trust us. You'll wonder why nail polish brands didn't come up with a formulation like this sooner.

Check out the line HERE

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  • Elizabeth Quesnelle
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