Light, Naturally Derived Fragrances from CB I Hate Perfume Are The Antidote To Sickly Sweet, Lab Created Scents

Light, Naturally Derived Fragrances from CB I Hate Perfume Are The Antidote To Sickly Sweet, Lab Created Scents
CB I Hate Perfume's founder, Christopher Brosius, can't stand synthetic fragrance.
He states: “To be perfectly honest, the vast majority of the fragrances stink. They are full of chemicals, they are incredibly pervasive, they won’t go away, and they cause a lot of people actual distress.” 

Distress in the form of migraines, nausea, and skin rashes. That's why he carefully crafts his line from natural sources. On the CB I Hate Perfume website, he states:

I DO NOT use or allow
Any material of animal origin
Any synthetic compound containing or consisting of any molecule "never before found in nature"
Any material or compound that may compromise the safety and well-being of myself, my staff, my clients or the planet in general

It is through the fulfillment of these promises that CB I Hate Perfume has become THE go-to fragrance for people who cannot wear traditional scents, as well as for those looking for something unique and refreshing. For example, Gathering Apples smells like the freshest, greenest apple orchard you can imagine. It smells like....well, apples. At The Beach has hints of sunscreen and salt water. It is reminiscent of long, lazy days spent at the shore.

Stop by The Gilded Girl to experience Christopher Brosius' designs yourself. Or, shop our entire fragrance collection at:
Order by February 12th to ensure delivery by Valentine's Day

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  • Elizabeth Quesnelle
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