Don’t be chapped when your lips get chapped! Scrub them!


Winter can be brutal on the skin over your entire body. However, a few body parts tend to be harder hit: One of these is your lips.

The dry air outside and the artificial heat sources inside suck the life right out of your pucker, making it rough and and the dehydration forces the skin to peel right off. Lip balms provide momentary relief, but it’s never enough.

There is a quick fix and it’s cheaper and closer at hand than you think. Psst….I’m going to tell you a secret that a person who sells goods for a living should never tell:

You can make your own sugar lip scrub.

Take table sugar, mix in just enough almond or olive oil to make a paste, and get scrubbing. The glycolic acid in the sugar will help to exfoliate chemically, while the grains of sugar will mechanically slough off the dry bits. The oil will absorb into your lips, providing protection and healing due to the high vitamin E and squalene content. Repeat 1-2 times per week until spring. Boom. Top with a lip stick, lip balm, or lip gloss and you’re ready to tell winter to kiss off!

Stop by The Gilded Girl this January and learn more DIY tips to incorporate into your beauty regimen and pick up the newest, best, most effective, luxury and indie skin care in the ‘Burgh!

If you are not an active DIY'er, we carry ready to use products:

Stewart & Claire Mint Julep Lip Scrub

Rodial Lip Scrub

Rodial Dragon's Blood Lip Mask

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  • Elizabeth Quesnelle
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