Are Your Make-Up Brushes Making Your Skin Worse?


Our skin is positively teeming with bacteria, some beneficial, some not so much. We keep this in check by using appropriate cleansers and through serums and creams that add an oxygen molecule to the area (the bacteria found in acne lesions is anaerobic and HATES oxygen).

But those steps can be rendered ineffectual if you don't clean your make-up brushes.

A recent test by the beauty and lifestyle website Byrdie showed that make-up brushes, even ones thought to be clean, hold bacteria and fungus that can worsen the condition of the skin.

How do you combat it? Regular (and I mean a cursory cleanse daily and a deep cleanse at least once per week) cleansing of your brushes can help. It is also wise to replace brushes every few years as it has been shown that the older the brush, the more bacteria and fungus it holds, even after regular cleansing.

The good news is that you don't have to spend money on expensive brush cleansers in order to maintain good brush hygiene. I love using Meow Meow Tweet bar soap on a daily basis and Johnson and Johnson No More Tears Shampoo weekly on my brushes. The key is to use gentle, non drying formulations as too harsh soaps and chemicals can make your brush bristles brittle (try saying that 3 times fast!).

Are you overdue for new brushes? The Gilded Girl carries the finest brushes at affordable prices. Check them out HERE!

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  • Elizabeth Quesnelle
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