A rebuttal to "The Skincare Con"


An article on theoutline.com titled “The Skincare Con” is making the rounds these days. The author poses the question: “Like other human organs, skin has withstood millions of years of evolution without the aid of tinctures and balms. How could we be getting it so wrong now?”

Skin care has literally been around for more than 2 millennia. Historical data has shown that women and men utilized oils and unctures since Old Testament times. Cleopatra herself was known for her beautiful skin, the result of milk baths (where lactic acid could help increase cellular turnover and proteins could help to condition the skin), as well as her lined and defined eyes, courtesy of kohl.

In Africa, men and women would protect their skin with shea butter – an ingredient known to the West for a few decades, but known in Africa for thousands of years.

To say that the skin care industry is full of baseless claims and is, frankly, conning women and men into trying to reach unattainable levels of beauty is an uninformed opinion. Are there “bad” products on the market? Yes, of course. But there are far more effective products available. And these products help people. It is a dangerous and incorrect assumption that skin care is a con.

If you have any questions about ingredients or finding a skin care regimen that works for your skin and your lifestyle, please don’t hesitate to stop in and speak with Liz. If you don’t live in the Pittsburgh area, please feel free to email any questions you might have to liz@thegildedgirl.com

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  • Elizabeth Quesnelle
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